How to water your tropicals
First questions I ask people when they buy a tropical plant is what kind of water do you have? Do you have city water or do you have well water, spring water, whatever.
But the most important thing is if you have city water it's going to be chlorinated. So my suggestion is just save you a gallon milk jug, draw your water up, let it sit out overnight, leave the top off, and because chlorine is a gas it'll evaporate. So then it's safe to water your plants with it.
Don't use distilled water. Distilled water has no minerals and has nothing in it. So you can water your plants with it but it's not really going to do anything.
The very best water you can do is rainwater. All you have to do is just get you a bucket, collect some rainwater if you don't have a rain barrel. So that's the best water you can use.
How to water? Well, most tropicals you're going to need a watering can that has a long spout because you're going to want to get in there under the plants. A lot of these tropicals do not like to have water on their leaves so you want to make sure that you can get in there. They like a lot of humidity.
Well, what's the best way to get to humidity? You can either use a humidifier, you can spray your plants every day, or you can use this which is which I love. It's called a mossify mister. So you can walk around the whole house and do this. It's really great. It has its own USB cord right there so you can recharge it. So it's totally recharging.
So remember rainwater is the best. If you have to use tap water, draw it up, let it sit overnight until the chlorine evaporates. That's my suggestions.